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Currents 2020_11 FrontPage.jpg

About our newsletter

The Woodlake Currents is published quarterly and funded by the WCHA.  It serves as a means by which the WCHA Board of Directors informs the membership of Association activities.

The Woodlake Currents is distributed within the Woodlake Crossing community to provide Association members with an opportunity to share ideas and make comments on issues relevant to the community.

The Currents is distributed electronically via the WCHA neighborhood email list and in hardcopy by request only.  To be added to the email list or to request that a paper copy be delivered to your home, please use the Contact Us tab at the top of this page.

Article & advertisement submission

Free classified-style ads may be placed by residents and members of the Association.  Please contact the editor for deadlines.  Email is the preferred form of delivery.  Distribution normally occurs during the last week of the quarter.

The editor reserves the right to edit and reformat articles and ads, and to reject articles or ads deemed offensive or inappropriate for the community.


Sarah Knaub, Editor

Victory CommunityManagement, Inc., Publisher/Distributor
5007-C Victory Blvd. # 240
Yorktown VA 23693

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