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Homeowner Info

Keep up with the latest opportunities and decisions, as well as long-standing policies.

Facebook Page

Woodlake Crossing has a Closed Group on Facebook!  If you would like to join, search for "Woodlake Crossing" and fill out the membership questions.

General Membership Meeting Slides

The annual meeting was held November 14, 2024.

If you were not able to attend, click here to see the slide presentation.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

NHN is a group we have formed to aid those in Woodlake who need meals or other assistance during or after a family, health, or other emergency.  If you need assistance or know someone in the neighborhood who does, please contact Heidi Cox at 224-5350 or  We will send out neighborhood emails with a link to sign up to help when a need arises.

Disclosure Packets

If you are selling your home you need to order a WCHA Disclosure Packet. Click here for Resale Disclosure Packet Information.

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WCHA Board Meetings

The Woodlake Crossing Board meets on the second
Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm
. These meetings are open to all Woodlake Homeowners.

**Please note Board Meetings may take place via ZOOM. If interested in attending a meeting, please contact Sarah Knaub at or on (757)593-0166 to confirm meeting location and other details.

WCHA Email List

The Woodlake Crossing email list is used to keep residents and owners informed about important events and information pertaining to the neighborhood. The Currents newsletter is distributed using this list, as well.  To be added to the list, send an email to  Add this email address to your list of email contacts to ensure that the messages get to you.

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